Juve is at the forefront of making salon waste history by being one of ten New Zealand skin and beauty clinics and the first in Tairawhiti to partner with the social enterprise Sustainable Salons. Juve is proud to be working towards being a sustainable and inclusive business by upcycling, reusing & repurposing products - making salon waste a thing of the past. As a part of our partnership with Sustainable Salons, 95% of our salon waste gets diverted from landfill.

  • Plastics being cleaned and upcycled into new products such as outdoor furniture, underground cable covers and glasses frames. Clients can bring back their empty product containers and receive rewards.

  • Paper is reduced to pulp and re-created into new paper products.

  • Tools no longer working will be broken down and valuable parts will be repurposed.

  • Sustainable salons impacts people, planet and profit.

    Differently abled Kiwis are employed to sort through the materials ready for repurposing.

    All proceeds that are made through recycling salon materials go to OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest to supply people in need with meals.

"We have always wanted to provide the best products, services and practices for our team and clients, and the Sustainable Salons partnership reflects our commitment. To reach full potential is a lifetime journey of being the best you can be. Juve receives terrific support in our community and is a business that happily continues to grow better. The beauty and medi-spa industry uses disposable materials and single-use containers; salon waste is the dirty little secret. Juve is committed to meeting the needs of our clients without compromising the needs of future generations by making salon waste a thing of the past."

- Sally Wright